black box

Did you know that the color black is about to come of age? In 2023, it will turn eighteen.

Graphic designers, or anyone involved in color selection, know how important it is to use colors accurately. The choice of color is much more than a random impulse; involves in-depth considerations related to the product category, fashion trends, seasons,
to consumer perception and competition. Only true experts know how to apply color at the right time and in the right context.

Very often I have been asked which color was right for the packaging of a product, which is why I decided to write some articles on this topic and I decided to start with black.

The Evolved Popularity of Black in Packaging Design

Today, black is an incredibly versatile design choice and is used in (almost) all product categories. However, this surge in popularity is a relatively recent phenomenon. Throughout the history of packaging design, black has long been discriminated against, especially in sectors like food. Only a few design pioneers and bold entrepreneurs dared to adopt this color to create packaging for the market.

Not everyone is aware of the time it took for black to gain prominence in the world of packaging. As an enthusiast in this field, deeply committed to research, I've been able to document this evolution. Drawing from my personal memory and articles found online, we can pinpoint the introduction of black into packaging design only a few years ago, with 2005 marking the beginning of this trend. Therefore, I thought it appropriate to celebrate black's coming of age in 2023.

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It's fascinating to note that, before this era, black was often considered a taboo color. It was deemed unsuitable and, in many cases, even inconceivable for most product categories, by companies and agencies operating in the retail and supermarket sector. In a way, black was labeled as a funerary color, much like purple still is today, and is rarely used.

Once black overcame these barriers, it completely transformed the approach to packaging design by agencies, graphic studios, freelancers, printers, carton companies, buyers, and, above all, consumers. Today, fully black packaging is positively received and has become a widespread option.

The good news is that, after years where colors like white, red, and blue dominated the world of packaging, black has finally taken center stage. A quick search on Pinterest will reveal a variety of intriguing and captivating black packages.

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Black is now the omnipresent color and, regardless of the product category, it can be found on shelves worldwide, from groceries to skincare products, from beverages to pet food.

Black is the color of power and symbolizes authority, wealth, sophistication, luxury, quality, and much more. According to some marketing experts, black's rising popularity can be attributed to people desiring affordable premium products. Nothing communicates "premium" quite like black, which can be considered the "king of colors."

For example, even those who can't afford a high-end luxury car might be willing to invest in a €2 beer if it has a black label, suggesting an ambitious product without a hefty price tag. After all, as a famous song by Cremonini says, "Nobody wants to be Robin," so when given the opportunity, people opt for the "Black King." This constitutes one of the great successes of black in any packaging category.

What Makes Up the Color Black?

Did you know that black is a color formed by all colors?

Yes, you read that right. While green is composed of yellow and blue, and orange results from magenta and yellow, in black, all colors are present. First and foremost, you should know that black is a neutral color, as it cannot be created from nothing in nature. It is actually formed by the subtractive synthesis of all colors in the color spectrum, specifically from the three primary colors: cyan, magenta, and yellow. In black, you'll find 100% of all these colors. This alone underscores the importance of this color.

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What Does the Color Black Signify?

Black is a particular hue with various meanings, including, at a psychological level, blocking, negation, opposition, and protest. It is also associated with power, control, mystery, and communicates authority, security, and sometimes inaccessibility, which is not always beneficial. In our collective imagination, black can also represent mourning, but in neuroscience, it conveys more. It is widely considered a useful color for indicating mystery, elegance, seriousness, power, and self-sufficiency, but it can also signify simplicity, order, and rest.

Black: The Icon of Affordable Luxury

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To me, black represents an embodiment of affordable luxury. While many have varying opinions about colors and their impact on product sales, I personally believe that black plays a crucial role in sales strategies, especially in today's market.

In an era when this was uncommon, Coco Chanel stated, "When I find a color darker than black, I'll wear it. But until then, I'll wear black." This quote remains emblematic of black as a symbol of timeless elegance.

Today, black, on the cusp of its eighteenth year in the packaging world, has secured a place in all of our hearts and imaginations.

To better understand black's success, let's compare it to the automotive industry. There are luxury cars and utilitarian cars, each with different brands, brand positioning, and customers. Take a step back to the 1980s when I was a child. At that time, black cars were very rare, regardless of their category, brand, or engine size. Blue cars were often reserved for ministers, while those for the general public came in a wide range of colors, often metallic. There were blue, gray, brown, cloud, red, and white cars, but it was rare to see an original Fiat 500 in the first models in black. Or perhaps, I've just never seen one.

Now, think about the black cars you see on the road today, and you'll immediately understand how perception has changed. This change can be transferred to the packaging industry and the products on store shelves.

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In the past, it was common to find white cars, especially among the cheap ones. For example, Fiat, with models such as the Cinquecento, Uno or Punto, often had white cars. Taxis used to be white, but it was unthinkable to find a white car in the luxury category, the so-called "flagships." In reverse,
today the situation is completely different. You can easily see cars from prestigious brands with prices exceeding 100,000 euros, and many of them are total white. Black, on the other hand, has become the best-selling automotive color.

The same evolution has happened on the shelves, albeit with some different nuances.
While packaging has never gone metallic, it has gone through a similar transformation. Today, black and white dominate the packaging landscape, just as black has conquered the world of cars.

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When to Use the Color Black?

In conclusion, the black color has proven to be extremely versatile and adapts to various product categories. When used in packaging, it evokes a feeling of grandeur, mystery and elegance. It unquestionably contributes to giving greater perceived value to any package.
After years of white dominating the world of packaging, black has emerged as one of the key trends in package design.

Personally, I'm thrilled with the success the color black is achieving and can't wait to see its growing adoption by new brands in their future packaging.
Black represents an opportunity to communicate luxury and quality without necessarily having to suffer excessive costs. It's a color that, when used intelligently, can transform packaging and branding into something memorable and distinctive. With its timeless charm,
black is destined to remain center stage in the world of packaging design.