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The 7 marketing mistakes that prevent you from growing online

marketing online errori

Regardless of your status, whether you are an entrepreneur with a large team of employees, a freelancer, a retailer, or a sales agent, the web offers enormous potential to expand your customer base and increase your company's revenue. It is essential to understand that ignoring the online aspect of your business can be a significant disadvantage.

In Italy, still, few businesses fully leverage online opportunities, which means there are chances to stand out, even as the landscape becomes increasingly competitive. However, for success, you must avoid some key mistakes. Here are seven errors to absolutely avoid if you want to grow your company by harnessing the potential of the web:

Error #1: Using social networks incorrectly

Social networks have become an integral part of our daily lives, both personally and professionally. Many businesses create social network pages but often make the mistake of using them as advertising spaces without providing value or investing in targeted advertising. It is essential to understand that social networks are not just for direct advertising but also for providing useful and engaging content. Creating quality content is crucial to attract and retain your audience, which can ultimately translate into sales.

To simplify:

  • Create useful content for your target audience
  • Convert a portion of your "fans" into something more (such as newsletter subscribers)
  • Convert those "something more" into paying customers

After all, you would never dream of proposing marriage to someone on the first date; the journey is more extended than that: there is the courtship phase, the relationship, and finally, the pivotal request.

Error #2: Not investing in your website

Your website is the centerpiece of your online activities. It is where potential or current customers can find information about you and your products or services. If you do not invest in your website, you may reduce your chances of online success. You should consider your website as a crucial element of your marketing and ensure that it is well-structured, informative, and attractive.

Does it make sense to work hard to generate traffic to your website, such as creating and promoting content on social networks, only to direct people to an ineffective website where you may have cut corners?

Consider your website as the final part of an arrow: if the tip is "blunted," even an excellent bow will not hit the target.

Error #3: Not building an email list

Building an email list is a significant step in online marketing. Email marketing can generate an exceptional return on investment and is a powerful tool for staying in touch with your customers and potential customers. Offering valuable content in exchange for subscribing to your email list can be an effective way to grow your contact list and, consequently, increase your sales opportunities.

The problem is that the approach many businesses have on social networks – thinking only about selling without generating value – spills over into everything they do online. So, thinking of creating content to give away to those who subscribe to your newsletter is science fiction, and almost no one does it. The result: you can't do email marketing, and goodbye 4,000% ROI.

Error #4: Not investing in online advertising

Online advertising, through platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads, is essential for promoting your content and products or services. These platforms allow you to reach a targeted audience and measure return on investment precisely. Investing in online advertising can be a crucial step in increasing brand visibility and generating new sales opportunities.

Error #5: Putting all your resources into a single traffic channel

Relying exclusively on a single traffic channel, such as Google or Facebook, is risky. The online landscape is constantly evolving, and your sources of traffic can change at any time. It is important to diversify your traffic sources to reduce the risk of a sudden drop in visits and sales. Focus also on "owned" channels like your website and newsletter.

Error #6: Not communicating in a personal way

Online communication should be personal and engaging. People prefer to interact with individuals rather than anonymous companies. Communicating personally, through authentic and engaging content, can help you build a stronger connection with your audience and create a recognizable brand.

It becomes necessary, therefore, to create content that is not purely promotional, or at least not directly promotional, because, in reality, gaining someone's attention while they listen to what you say is a form of advertising.

Today, the rare commodity is people's attention, which is increasingly challenging to capture.

Being heard generates awareness, builds trust, and positively predisposes people when you try to sell them something.

If you only speak up to sell something, you are perceived as a TV pot salesman. People must be encouraged to listen to you because you solve a problem, provide an explanation, teach something, and perhaps because what you say and how you say it are interesting.

Error #7: Thinking that online marketing is either too easy or too difficult

Underestimating or overestimating online marketing is a common mistake. You should not think of it as an easy and quick solution for immediate results, but at the same time, you should not consider it too challenging to tackle. Online marketing requires commitment, learning, and consistency over time. It is a process that demands strategy and planning, but the results can be remarkable if managed carefully and diligently. Never underestimate the importance of creating valuable content, diversifying your traffic sources, and communicating personally with your audience.

If you are interested in learning more about specific aspects of online marketing, consider participating in free seminars or courses or consulting additional resources to further deepen your knowledge. Online marketing is continually evolving, so ongoing education is essential to remain competitive in the digital landscape.

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Insight Adv Ltd is a full-service advertising agency. We offer our customers Graphic and Web Design, Marketing and Strategic Communication services.

We create websites, e-commerce and fad platforms, commercials and promotional videos and applications for smartphones and tablets. We also offer digital & direct marketing, social media and content management services. 


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