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How to use displays and signage effectively in in-store graphics

ItSugar Retail wall graphics

When we enter a space where products or services are sold or promoted, we receive many stimuli. And all these stimuli direct our actions , decisions and our experience within that space.

This is why in-store graphics are very important, of any type: from fixed and mobile displays , to the presence of signs (where needed). Up to​ all those elements that make the environment more pleasant or that tell us something about the product or brand.

Let's find out together how to design truly effective in-store graphics and what function exhibitors can play in the project.

Effective in-store graphics apply the principles of neuromarketing to all the visual elements present in a store, but also in spaces intended for services, such as banks or insurance companies.

In particular we can say that the in-store graphics are:

  • Inspirational :
    ​through images on panels or walls, the choice of colors and graphic styles, the in-store graphics aim to improve our experience within the space in which we find ourselves. To make it pleasant and therefore prepare ourselves to buy, request a service, collect information.
  • Aspirational :
    ​when we talk about the point of sale of a very structured brand, or a temporary space that represents it (such as exhibition stands) the graphics of these spaces communicate the brand identity and more generally serve to recreate the brand experience .
  • Information :
    this is perhaps the feature that at first glance may seem the least interesting or fun to design. On the contrary, in a space the customer needs first of all to be guided . Therefore to find not only the product or service you are looking for with a certain ease, but also to be oriented in the choice between multiple products and services thanks to the right information.

Ok, at this point you are almost certainly wondering what are the elements to design and how can you bring your graphic project into a sales space?

There are so many supports on which we can insert visual elements: the walls, of course, through panels, wallpapers, stickers. But also the floors, the ceilings, even the furnishings.

Practically all surfaces can be involved in our graphic project.

grafica instore esempio

And we can also create surfaces for them, through display stands: a very convenient solution for putting our graphic idea into practice inside shops and public places.

So let's go and see together what can be done with displays , which types we can choose and which rules to follow to create in-store graphics .

How to use displays in in-store graphics

Give information and directions

When we find ourselves in a physical touch-point (a shop, the headquarters of a bank, a company, a convention centre) we often need to be guided and oriented .

Just like for digital interfaces, even inside environments the graphics help the user to satisfy his needs, in the most pleasant and simple way possible.

Wayfinding design

wayfinding design esempio 1

If we talk about large spaces (or very articulated or multifunctional) the first need will be to go to the right place .
A process that we can guide through wayfinding design tools. Basically all those graphical tools designed to orient us in an unknown space.

The objective of this discipline is to create a set of symbols and visual codes :

  • Easy to interpret , which do not lend themselves to ambiguity.
    ​Basically:‌ if you have to choose between an arrow with a very original design but which can create doubts and a very banal one, but very easy to recognize and interpret, choose the latter!
  • Capable of attracting attention .
    The goal here is to make sure that people don't even have to look for the directions they need. A well-designed graphic system will be able to command the attention of the observer in those moments and in those points where doubts may arise

For this to happen it is obvious that you will have to study very well the possible paths within the environment for which you are creating your project and put yourself in the shoes of the users , just like you do for the ux of digital interfaces.

Display stands for wayfinding design

wayfinding design esempio plexiglass 2

There are countless technical solutions for placing the necessary signage .
Some, however, guarantee you undoubted advantages . In particular, it is very important to have systems available that allow you to:

  • Placing signage in the right place : we don't always have suitable surfaces to use prints or stickers, such as walls, doors or windows.
    To be sure of placing the signs in the most functional place we need a mobile and self-supporting tool. Like the floor displays . There really are all kinds , from the classic totem to those where you can insert printed sheets of different sizes, in different orientations, and to which we can add spaces for brochures (perhaps a map)
  • Change your mind / update your project : we know that commercial spaces , offices or companies often change distribution . Every time this happens, even huge sums have to be spent on redoing all the signage. Or worse, the whole design, designed with such care, is twisted to introduce botched solutions. You can avoid all this by choosing those systems that allow you to update the graphics with great simplicity.

wall pocket information sheets 988x988

Improve the experience

Once we've got people where they want to go, we can do more . We can reassure them that they are in the right place, provide information on the function and services of this space and build a positive experience through visual tools.

Images, shapes, colors, symbols can characterize an environment in different ways:

  • Placemaking : it is precisely a matter of providing more information about a space, to allow people to better interact with the environment in which they find themselves.
  • Scenography: ‌ the right visual stimuli will serve to build an environment consistent with the positioning of the brand , its philosophy, the concept of the products or services it offers.

placemaking design esempio

For both of these purposes you can once again resort to exhibitors , especially wall ones.

The snap frames , for example, allow you to play on a wall graphic that can characterize the rooms with posters of different sizes.

At the same time, the simplicity with which posters can be replaced inside the frames allows you to imagine a project that changes over time . A design that follows the season or the different commercial proposals of the customer

Communicate the brand

On the one hand, the graphic language we choose to use in our in-store design project must be clear and provide information. On the other hand, however, let's not forget that the graphic choices can, and indeed must, reflect the image of the brand and its identity.

In this case, displays are an excellent solution, precisely because they allow you to insert simple printed sheets inside them.

There will not be a color that cannot be reproduced or a logo that cannot be positioned as it should, precisely because‌ you can create and place on the displays any graphic that can be printed on a sheet of paper .

In this way you will have the certainty of communicating the brand in the most appropriate way even if it is a question of inserting a simple direction indication or an office nameplate.

Explain the product or service

When the customer has found what interests him, a good in-store design project should include elements that can provide information about the product or service being offered.

Discounts, offers, types, sizes : useful data for users and at the same time important parts of a marketing strategy .

Precisely because it is central information in the construction of a purchase journey, it is good to place it in sight , at the right height and in strategic points.

You can use counter displays for this. Easy to place and personalize, they can be placed in evidence or near what we want to promote or illustrate with greater clarity.
Also for these exhibitors there is the possibility of choosing those that allow you to insert and change printed matter very easily.

With this type of display you can include in the in-store design project a series of graphics suitable for form and content to the general concept. In addition, they are very convenient, because they can be managed in a simple way and allow you to adapt to the commercial needs of the moment.‌

How to choose the right displays for your in-store graphics project

Now we have seen together what they are for and how you can make the most of the displays for a truly high-level professional in-store graphics project. How can you achieve it with not excessive costs and at the same time offer great flexibility to your customers.

If you are involved in the choice of exhibitor supplies or if the client asks you for information on the products to choose, you must know that the exhibitors , to be effective, should be:

  • Easy to assemble and place
  • Easy to customize
  • Not too expensive
  • Made of quality materials, therefore durable and nice looking.

These are all qualities that enhance the graphic work and allow the project to be carried out in a simple, rational and cost-controlled manner.

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