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How to proofread: some tips and how to do it in practice

When we study at school or university we are used to reading manuals of many pages in the shortest possible time, obtaining and memorizing the essential information and forgetting the others. When, on the other hand, we go hunting for the error, we need to train ourselves in a reading that will be m...

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8 Tips for writing copy for an effective landing page

Why do you write on your websites? What is the purpose of all this online writing ? Well, often it is communicating and expressing oneself , without ulterior motives. Or even inform and disseminate . In many other cases, however, the goal is to sell something. A service, a product, a professionalism...

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Applying the Stanislavski method to copywriting

Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky is the father of modern theatre. His technique contrasts with the estrangement of Bertolt Brecht , who requires the actor to detach himself from his own works , bringing the art outside and beyond himself . Stanislavskij instead requires that the actor enter the wo...

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I have known Umberto for a few years and I can confirm that he is a professional in his field! Over time a good friendship has also been established which I am sure will last over time: it is prec...
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Pietro Sciannamblo
CEO & Founder / Esigaretta Italia
We started our collaboration with the InsightAgency, entrusting them with a strengthening of our Corporate Identity. They advised us on the creation of a new Brand and Logo and supported us in buil...
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Massimiliano Leone
CEO & Founder / Esigitaly srl
I had the pleasure of collaborating with Umberto, an exquisite person, always available, competent and quick to find solutions to problems, whether large or small; maximum satisfaction!
Stefano Beltrame
Staff / Nebula Sigarette Digitali


Insight Adv Ltd is a full-service advertising agency. We offer our customers Graphic and Web Design, Marketing and Strategic Communication services.

We create websites, e-commerce and fad platforms, commercials and promotional videos and applications for smartphones and tablets. We also offer digital & direct marketing, social media and content management services. 


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