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Some marketing tips for small online businesses

Italy is a country that stands out for the presence of countless small and medium-sized enterprises and in the last period small online businesses have also increased as a result. Operating online offers small businesses the opportunity to achieve results and objectives that can hardl...

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  885 Hits

Glocal Marketing, the importance of feeling at home.

Mass marketing, which focuses on volume and standardization of the strategy, is replaced by Glocal Marketing, whose objective is the personalization, not only of the products, but above all of the ways of entering local markets, based on the culture and uses of the specific country. What impact does...

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  1043 Hits

Marketing Automation strategies for your campaigns.

When Marketing Automation kicks in, the results quickly start to show. Engagement increases, as does the conversion rate and opening rates of your emails and newsletters. To take full advantage of this tool you need to implement an effective strategy. In this article you will find 5 ready to use. Ma...

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  902 Hits

How to reach your audience on Instagram

Did you know that we spend about 6 hours a day on the internet and almost 2 hours on social media? A fact that requires us not to underestimate the potential of Instagram Marketing . 67% of active online users are subscribed to Instagram (a figure that emerged in Digital 2021, the latest report by W...

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  870 Hits

Il punteggio di distribuzione, cosa è e come usarlo.

Entrando nel Creator Studio o guardando ai risultati di un determinato post nell’ultimo periodo, ti sarà capitato di notare l’arrivo di una nuova metrica che attribuisce un punteggio al post, seguita da un più o un meno. Si tratta del Punteggio di distribuzione (Distribution Score), un nuovo arrivo ...

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  754 Hits

Growth Hacking techniques for your business

With Growth Hacking you can grow your business exponentially. Want to know what strategies you can implement? Read the article and discover the tips to implement them in the best way. Growth Hacking, which I have already told you about in this article , is useful for having an overview of the busine...

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  929 Hits

Growth Hacking: what it is and how it works

What exactly does Growth Hacking mean and what makes this innovative concept different from traditional marketing? Find out everything you need to know about the subject and how to become a growth hacker in this article. Growth Hacking is a marketing process or methodology that aims to accelerate th...

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  990 Hits

5 meanings of Personal Branding that you need to know, if you want to do it right

The meaning of Personal Branding, like many other marketing terms, can have different declinations, above all because it brings together two words, "personal" and "branding", which many perceive as distant . Perhaps you too have wondered: what does the "brand", the brand, which is something of compa...

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  960 Hits

Why the Landing Page is important in a marketing strategy

If you are thinking of activating advertising campaigns or other ways of Digital Marketing, which lead users to your site "to then take some action", I suggest you invest some of your time and read this article on the importance of a page landing page (or landing page) specifically designed to persu...

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  774 Hits

How do you make a podcast done right?

How do you make a good podcast ? Everyone talks about podcasts and everyone, at least on paper, can become a podcaster in an instant. Today, the podcast is the shortest route to truly effective personal branding . You can use them for content marketing , to tell stories, inform, educate, engage . It...

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  994 Hits

Get your e-commerce off the ground in 10 steps

Since I founded the Insight Agency in 2006, I have met many entrepreneurs who have asked me to design and create an e-commerce. Up until ten years ago, having an ecommerce was a possibility, an option, five years ago it was already an opportunity, but after the advent of the pandemic and the Covid-1...

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  809 Hits

How to include storytelling in your communication strategy.

Storytelling is the art of telling stories. We could say that it has a lot to do with creative writing, the narrative techniques on which the novels and films in which we get lost at the end of the day are based and which have a common root within the Hero's Journey theorized by Joseph Campbell. Whe...

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  715 Hits

How to integrate Social Listening into your digital strategy

How is a brand perceived by people on social media? This is a question that sooner or later every company gets to ask itself. The first way to go is always to address people and there are different methods to analyze brand perception. However, there are specific dynamics on social media, and sometim...

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  876 Hits

How to create Buyer Personas with Facebook Insights

We have often talked about the importance of defining your Buyer Persona ( here , again here and here ), to define and choose the customers you want to relate to. A key element for increasing the business of your company or business and an indispensable figure for an effective Inbound Marketing stra...

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  790 Hits

The 10 golden rules for communicating in the right way.

Brands that make media slips, companies that get lost in a teacup in the comments, public figures who shoot at random in live broadcasts. What do all these cases have in common? They have the wrong way of communicating. Repeat iuvant... Everything is communicating, everything is communication. Commu...

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  768 Hits

How to write an effective sales page

No one should be afraid to sell the fruit of their work. It's no shame to want someone to buy from us, just as it's no shame to write to sell. Writing a sales page is not easy because it requires clarity with respect to one's business, method in writing and honesty with respect to what we propose, b...

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  984 Hits

Do you have a startup? You need to create a business blog.

There is a lot of talk about startups , too much in my opinion. And too often trivializing and belittling the meaning of an intelligent process that aims to identify a business idea, test its validity, make it replicable and find lenders willing to launch it on a large scale. I've certainly missed s...

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  755 Hits

A template for creating Buyer Personas

When creating a Buyer Persona it is necessary to go beyond his profile, where by profile we mean the demographic, sociographic elements, related to education, company role, spending power, to instead go deeper, investigating new factors and unknown, to find out how, when and why the purchasing decis...

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  1100 Hits

What is Customer Advocacy? Why is it essential for the success of a brand?

If your goal is to increase the bond of trust with your customers and grow your business by expanding your customer base, one of the first aspects you need to start working on is Customer Advocacy. Here's how you can develop it within your company. In a context where purchasing processes are increas...

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  1001 Hits

The face and the friction

A friend sent me a vowel asking: "But these guys who ask you for money – actually, your checking account or credit card – pestering people with circus ways for reputable NGOs at the exit of the mall, do they work?" I have a fixed idea or illusion that everything that exists exists because it works. ...

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  834 Hits

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Satisfied customers

What they say about us

I met Insight Agency way back in 2006 and since then we have come a long way thanks to their professionalism, creativity, ingenuity and above all availability. The thing that most impressed me abo...
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Tommaso Marrone
CEO / CSF Centro Servizi e Formazione srl
I also leave my testimony regarding the working relationship with Insight Agency, I have been a customer for years now and I am very very satisfied above all for the competence and availability as ...
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Luca Crocetti
CEO & Co-Founder / Lukkos
I have worked with Insight Agency for more than ten years in my previous role (Trade Marketing Manager of a well-known red mobile phone brand) and have always appreciated their honesty, speed and c...
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Giampaolo Moscardi
Titolare / Kar di Giampaolo Moscardi


Insight Adv Ltd is a full-service advertising agency. We offer our customers Graphic and Web Design, Marketing and Strategic Communication services.

We create websites, e-commerce and fad platforms, commercials and promotional videos and applications for smartphones and tablets. We also offer digital & direct marketing, social media and content management services. 


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