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Increase depth of field with focus stacking

Have you ever seen those commercial shots where everything is perfectly sharp, even if the shot is very close up? That kind of photo you can't get by just snapping. We need a special technique called focus stacking. To increase depth of field, just stop down. However, there are limits beyond which y...

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  936 Hits

The art of Freelensing for creative photography

Photography has many rules and sometimes it's nice to break them all, don't you think? For me, the art of freelensing for creative photography is the permission to play with both light and blur to get a totally unexpected and magical image. My first attempts at freelensing were just lucky shots amon...

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  1102 Hits

How to make the most of exposure bracketing.

You too may have had to take a photograph in which one area is fully illuminated while the other is in shadow . Think, for example, of photos taken outdoors in full sunlight. The sky is very bright, while the ground is naturally darker. If you want to expose the ground correctly, the detail in the s...

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  887 Hits

How to photograph the silhouette. 5 tips to get it.

In terms of photographic composition and lighting, the silhouette is probably one of the most fascinating types of shots. The less experienced may find it difficult to make this type of photographs, where the backlighting of the subject and the strong chiaroscuro are the predominant elements. Howeve...

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  994 Hits

How to take wonderful pictures in winter

Winter is an amazing season for photography, especially nature photography. Conditions can be harsh, but your photos will reflect that – they will stand out and convey different emotions than normal. Of course, winter photography also brings its own set of challenges. This article offers a series of...

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  1003 Hits

How to take Macro photography with the Reverse Lens.

A little “thinking backwards” from time to time can be a good thing, especially when it comes to finding an inexpensive way to do macro photography. Sure, you can shell out a few hundred dollars for a nice macro lens. You might want to try extension tubes or bellows, or even buy some diopter lenses ...

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  968 Hits

Horizontal, vertical and oblique lines in the history of photography.

The rule of thirds and the golden section are "proportional" rules which are mainly applied in photographic formats (I mean films/sensors) of today and they are not the only existing systems: there are in fact the so-called axial systems , widely used in the past by photographers well known and chos...

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  845 Hits

Ten ideas for photographing nature in our backyard.

Are you also fascinated by nature? In reality, even those who specialize in other kinds of photography cannot resist the charm of a flower or a branch full of colorful leaves in autumn. One of the best things about nature is that it is easily accessible. You don't have to go too far to find it, it i...

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  730 Hits

9 tricks for an effective photo for your catalog.

What's the best way to sell something? Make it palatable. And what is the first step to make a product attractive to a customer, his photo. There is little to do, if you have a company and you want to sell something you have to have convincing and well done photographs to represent the product in th...

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  762 Hits

Camera: Mirror, Pentaprism, viewfinder and display

In this article we resume our virtual photography course. In the previous lesson we saw the path that light takes when it enters the lens, first passing through the diaphragm, then passing through the shutter before arriving, today, at the sensor and, before digital, at film. Today we complete this ...

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  871 Hits

The use of flash in photography.

Flash in photography is a very versatile accessory, sometimes it is essential to increase the brightness of an environment and capture otherwise inaccessible details, other times it can be used as a technique to improve and make the most of the available light, amplifying the final effect. Understan...

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  1091 Hits

Some practical advice for photographing lightning.

Photographing lightning is certainly an activity that can give a lot of satisfaction and can allow us to take home a shot that is envied by many. However, photographing lightning can also be VERY dangerous. Lightning strikes unpredictably and it is NOT true that lightning never strikes in the same p...

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  764 Hits

Some tips for taking scary photos on Halloween

Halloween is one of the best occasions to take scary photos of yourself, your children or pets. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to Halloween photography. In fact, taking a Halloween photo can be a difficult task due to the often prohibitive shooting conditions. For this...

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  661 Hits

When and why prefer black and white?

Black and white adds a timeless, artistic appeal to an image. We see and live in a world of colors. This is how we evolved, and this is what we know. Naturally, people are drawn to color photography like children to candy, drawn to images full of vitality. Our affinity for color can also manifest it...

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  836 Hits

15 tips for photographing domestic life

Documenting home life and capturing family moments is what inspired many of us to pick up a camera. But when we picked up a camera, we discovered how challenging it is to capture those moments. Below you'll find some tips that, in the end, are what I've used over the years to capture my images, my m...

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  857 Hits

Camera: Aperture and Shutter

One of the most important things to consider when taking a photograph is exposure . A photo that is too light or, conversely, dark and dark (unless it has not been deliberately made with creative flair) is an image penalized by a defect in exposure. A photograph is said to be correctly exposed when ...

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  901 Hits

The photographer in yellow.

I've always been a fan of mysteries, whether they're books, movies or TV series. Stories that investigate a mystery or a heinous crime fascinate me. As a photography enthusiast, I have always found all the work done by the Scientific Police particularly intriguing, which in the USA has provided a gr...

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  863 Hits

Photographic portrait, the secret is to get involved.

Maybe it's Pulcinella's secret, all right, but the success of a portrait very often depends on the ability we have to get involved in our subject. We learn to interact, we will take a better portrait The beauty of photography is that it is not an exact science, but which, fortunately, has a strong c...

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  842 Hits

The digital camera - The sensor

In this fourth lesson of our virtual photography course we talk about one of the most important components of our camera: the sensor . The sensor is a photosensitive medium that converts the light captured by the lens into an electric charge, translating it into electronic signals. Before the advent...

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  1122 Hits

Light and color: this is the secret to good photography

A photograph is made of light and color . These are the only two ingredients. Knowing how to dose them in a wise way allows you to go from an ugly or normal photograph to a fantastic image. Understanding light is therefore necessary for a photographer to best express his idea and move from a simple ...

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  762 Hits

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We started our collaboration with the InsightAgency, entrusting them with a strengthening of our Corporate Identity. They advised us on the creation of a new Brand and Logo and supported us in buil...
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Massimiliano Leone
CEO & Founder / Esigitaly srl
I had the opportunity to get to know Insight Agency when he started working with one of our clients, so I was able to appreciate not only their professional and creative approach, but above all the...
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Mario Gentile
CEO & Founder / Punto Ike
I also leave my testimony regarding the working relationship with Insight Agency, I have been a customer for years now and I am very very satisfied above all for the competence and availability as ...
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Luca Crocetti
CEO & Co-Founder / Lukkos


Insight Adv Ltd is a full-service advertising agency. We offer our customers Graphic and Web Design, Marketing and Strategic Communication services.

We create websites, e-commerce and fad platforms, commercials and promotional videos and applications for smartphones and tablets. We also offer digital & direct marketing, social media and content management services. 


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