quali sono le domande giuste?

Doing them is good and right.
But what are the right questions?
Who should we do it to?
And above all, how should we position them?
Three questions [and more] to answer the question mechanism.

Knowledge - the deep one - feeds on doubt to find form .
The question, more than Socratic, is logical: we cannot know everything about everything; it therefore happens that the most correct attitude to have on the issue of "knowing you don't know" is to ask yourself as many questions as possible. About things; about feelings; about the people.

It is natural instinct; what arises from the depths. A mechanism that accompanies us throughout life, since we were children. An attitude that concerns first of all ourselves, then the world that revolves around us.

If you have decided to write to communicate , not only do you have to ask yourself various questions ; you must also be able to predict/anticipate those of the reader.

Read to understand who reads you

Nothing is law if it is not written in the code.

But it so happens that writing is also code; a code that, beyond grammatical correctness, everyone can use as they wish. In the end, the important thing is to be understood by the reader.

The first question to ask yourself in order to write well on a given topic is to examine the text of someone who has already dealt with that topic - with a certain authority, I might add. Wearing the reader's shoes means understanding his point of view . Become a reader of others, then: take a tour of the web , print the article of guy and mark. Mark all that goes well with a green pen; and everything that doesn't go well with a red pen.

Writing is its own teacher. Start your "experimental analysis" from the superficial structure of the text and ask yourself some questions :

Then continue with the deep analysis of the language:

These are just examples, of course. It is enough for you to know that, by reviewing the text of others , you learn concepts such as "contradiction" and "emulation". Two important things.

Listen... to be heard!

You would love to write what you want, how you want and wherever you want.

In fact, when you were little, you had a nice diary in your drawer; pity that, today, that diary has become a blog with an open padlock. Today, if you want to be read, you have to know how to listen... and not just in the sense of satisfying what a fuzzy audience wants to know. Today knowing how to listen means intercepting a need and doing it first of all with oneself ; it means asking yourself questions about what you have to write, when, why, where... and, above all, to whom. You could consider the 5 double Vu pattern plus an acca to ask yourself the right questions and answer accordingly: who = to whom - or rather "for whom" - am I writing ? Fundamental question on which all the others depend, as well as choices such as the "cut" on the subject, the "linguistic register" and the "style"

Anticipate to incite

The public does not give away its time and must have an advantage. Always.

I want to repeat the last hard and narrow-minded concept: this is the age of speed… average .

After all, isn't the "market" a response to "latent questions"? And if you don't intercept the right questions, how can you satisfy them? True: writing is not always selling. Today, perhaps, it is a little more so.
But how can you manage to capture attention to arouse interest?

Well, do you remember the initial speech on that natural instinct to ask yourself a question to browse, resolve a doubt and feel the irrepressible urge to answer? Therein lies the power of questions .

When you write you have to bring the submerged doubts to the surface - in the text - in the head.

The public is not an abstract entity: it is made up of people. Have you ever tried to imagine it in a physical sense?

Have you ever wondered where he will be and what he will be doing when he reads your text? Ask him a question, you'll see he answers you. The important thing is to choose well which one to place, how to place it and... where.

Write to engage

It's up to you to choose the way to intrigue your reader, arouse doubts, stimulate answers.

The wonderful Italian language gives so many opportunities to handle the matter… questions .