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15 Effective Lead Generation Strategies

  When we talk about Lead Generation we mean the set of marketing actions that aim at acquiring and generating interested contacts . In fact, the Lead is a potential customer interested in the product/service you offer, who has come into contact with you, leaving you some data with which you ca...

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  874 Hits

How to use email to win back your customers: 5 examples of irresistible winback emails

  Companies often focus on acquiring new contacts, forgetting about those customers who have been reached and courted with so much effort. And it's a short step from neglecting these customers to losing them. So here are some tips to recover your customers with the right campaign and regain the...

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  798 Hits

How to insert a review in your emails and increase sales

  One of the most effective elements to convince a user to buy your products is to show them how good and appreciated they are through the experience of other customers. That's why including reviews in your emails is a great strategy to increase conversions. Have you ever heard of social proof?...

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  784 Hits

9 email campaigns to effectively attract new customers

  Email is still one of the most innovative and inspiring tools to reach new customers. Here are 9 Email Marketing tips to grab your users' attention and convince them to convert. Email is an obsolete tool. Are you really convinced of this? In the year of its 50th anniversary, email, on the con...

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  643 Hits

How to choose persuasive images for your emails?

Did you know that there is a method to scientifically choose super-persuasive images to include in your emails? Today we'll explain what it is and how to create the perfect visual to maximize the performance of your email campaigns. In online promotion it is essential to know how to attract attentio...

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  763 Hits

9 tips to improve organic reach on Instagram

Reaching a large number of people on social media is increasingly difficult. Signing up for social platforms does not automatically mean visibility. You have to commit by frequently publishing interesting content for your target audience, interact as much as possible and test as much as I can what w...

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  822 Hits

Do you want to increase the sales of your shop? Here's how.

  Managing the sales of your shop or business and earning money is not always easy. If you have recently opened your business and need some ideas to attract the attention of customers, in this article we will see some very effective marketing techniques that will surely allow you to increase yo...

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  760 Hits

3 tips to get more reviews online

Whether good or bad is up to you, but here's how to get users to write about you and build a reputation Building one's authority on the web is an objective that involves the application of various precautions, all in synergy with each other: to achieve this goal, a business can start paid advertisin...

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  934 Hits

The 10 commandments of visual communication

    Visual communication is the transmission of a message through an image (therefore it is sometimes called iconic communication, from the Greek eikon, "image"), which metaphorically represents reality. Communication through images allows you to achieve the maximum communicative effect in...

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  802 Hits

How to create the perfect Instagram feed: 4 basic steps

  Have you ever thought about the importance of the Instagram feed ?   The Instagram feed is the business card of your profile. It's a bit like welcoming a guest to your home: do you prefer to welcome them in a tidy, clean house with a well-defined style or in a messy house with a jumble o...

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  756 Hits

Summer Marketing: the summer strategies of the brands

  Even during the summer, marketing doesn't go on vacation: people travel, spend more time with friends but that doesn't make them unreachable, it's enough to change the touchpoints and, with a little creativity, summer becomes an excellent time to increase brand awareness . Let's see together ...

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  737 Hits

Inbound Marketing, what is this communication strategy and how does it work

      When we talk about marketing, a world opens up to be discovered and that surrounds our lives day after day, even when we don't realize it. To carry out the activities in the most functional way possible, there are many strategies and studies capable of bringing benefits and impr...

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  812 Hits

Do you want to have happy customers? Take care of your customer care!

      Your customers are the heart of your business. You owe them your turnover, your popularity, your success. Without them your business would be meaningless. We often feel satisfied with the sale of our services or products and we forget about what happens after and in between, to ...

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  1423 Hits

Food packaging: what it is, how to choose it and why it is important.

      When we hear about food packaging , the first thing that comes to mind is a food container, designed to wrap and protect food from the moment it is packaged until it arrives on our tables. It must take into account the dimensions of the product, its consistency and any interacti...

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  845 Hits

Personal Brand: the 4-step guide for those starting from 0

      If you consider the Personal Brand a fundamental element to improve your career, in this article we discover 4 steps to create it starting from 0. Why is Personal Branding important? Today more than ever, uncertainty reigns supreme in the labor market. How many times have you fo...

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  837 Hits

From the Marketing Mix of the 4Ps to the 4e of Omnichannel Marketing

    Let's forget the 4Ps of classic marketing and welcome the 4Es. For those who have studied Marketing at University or have read in-depth books, they know the concept of the 4Ps of the marketing mix well, but considering that the world and the ways of doing business have changed consider...

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  1103 Hits

What are Lead Magnets?

      A lead magnet is a free resource, product or service (such as an eBook or a free trial) that users who visit a site can access by filling in a form with some personal and contact information (such as name and address e-mail). What is a lead magnet? The goal of the lead magnet is...

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  786 Hits

How to maximize the customer journey and retain customers right away?

    One of the questions that all marketing specialists ask themselves is how to create a lasting relationship with their customers . Regardless of the industry, a brand needs loyal and engaged customers. So how to build customer loyalty by ensuring that they will continue to choose their ...

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  1711 Hits

What is the Business model and what is it for?

      A business model is a conceptual tool used to describe how a company creates, distributes and captures value. In other words, it can be defined as the set of organizational practices and strategic solutions through which the company acquires its competitive advantage on the mark...

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  837 Hits

Marketing: perception or reality?

      Reality is the condition of what actually and concretely exists, while perception is the act of perceiving and becoming aware of an external reality through stimuli and sensations. Human beings have wondered since ancient times about what is real and what is instead illusion, th...

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  782 Hits

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We started our collaboration with the InsightAgency, entrusting them with a strengthening of our Corporate Identity. They advised us on the creation of a new Brand and Logo and supported us in buil...
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Massimiliano Leone
CEO & Founder / Esigitaly srl
I have known Umberto for a few years and I can confirm that he is a professional in his field! Over time a good friendship has also been established which I am sure will last over time: it is prec...
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Pietro Sciannamblo
CEO & Founder / Esigaretta Italia
I have worked with Insight Agency for more than ten years in my previous role (Trade Marketing Manager of a well-known red mobile phone brand) and have always appreciated their honesty, speed and c...
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Giampaolo Moscardi
Titolare / Kar di Giampaolo Moscardi


Insight Adv Ltd is a full-service advertising agency. We offer our customers Graphic and Web Design, Marketing and Strategic Communication services.

We create websites, e-commerce and fad platforms, commercials and promotional videos and applications for smartphones and tablets. We also offer digital & direct marketing, social media and content management services. 


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