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The seated pose isn't ideal for portraits, but you can make it work.

Posing for portraits is always a touchy subject. There are many variables to consider, including many defined by the look of your subject and even more defined by the environment you're shooting in. The more we do it, the better we get. But oftentimes, the subjects portrayed are standing, and there ...

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The best practices for selling online

Improvising is never an option in sales, especially online ones. It's not enough to create your own channel or rely on a marketplace to attract consumers' attention. This is why we have prepared 6 tips for companies that are considering turning to digital for the first time, or that use it, but want...

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The secrets of story structure: the triggering event and the key event

The first quarter of your story hinges on two important and irreversible moments: the triggering event and the key event. I have deferred our discussion of the trigger event and key events to this point in our series of articles, because these events can take place at any of the points in the story ...

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Product photography: 5 tips for stunning shots

Getting great product photos often seems daunting, but it's easier than you might think. As a creative director and photographer, I've spent years learning the ins and outs of the craft, even from the more experienced photographers I've worked with than myself. And in this article, I aim to share ev...

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Story Structure Secrets: The first plot point

Stories are a series of scenes. Some of these scenes are planned, some are even deliberately repetitive for the sake of emphasis. But some scenes change everything. These game changers are the plot points. They introduce significant elements and events that alter the subsequent course of history. Yo...

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How do customers decide? The importance of the messy middle.

The Messy Middle is a model, developed and proposed by Google, which defines the decision-making path of Users . In other words, it's a new paradigm for defining a funnel . Different from the traditional ones we are used to in digital marketing, in which the phases, although variable, are rather sta...

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How to use Fill Flash effectively in some situations

Many photographers experience anxiety when they think about using flash. It is a large unknown, difficult to control and it is very difficult to predict what the results might be like. Actually knowing when to use flash to enhance a photograph is just another choice to make. A bit like deciding whic...

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Femvertising: feminism and advertising.

In recent years, a new neologism has developed in the field of marketing: femvertising , ie a communication strategy that seeks to combine feminism with advertising to represent strong, proactive and positive female models in the advertising field. This type of communication aims to break down gende...

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The secrets of the structure of the story: the first act

As promised we continue our journey on the secrets of the story structure. Once you've got the reader hooked, your next task is to put your first few chapters to work, introducing your characters, settings, and stakes. The first 20-25% of the book comprises your setup. At first glance, this may seem...

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5 tips on Still Life lighting

Did you know that lighting is the most important element in still life photography ? It is true. Lighting adds atmosphere, provides context, heightens interest and helps create dynamic shots, so if you want to learn how to light a still life scene, then you're well on your way to capturing great ima...

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How to choose a color palette for your project

An important aspect for any project, whether it's a brochure, a poster or a website, is the choice of color . Choosing a color is a complicated process that requires careful design analysis, but choosing an entire color palette can be even more complex. Of course there are many other aspects that ne...

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What is phygital, how it works and what advantages it offers

Research from We Are Social from 2021 reveals that the average internet user uses digital devices for almost 7 hours a day. Given the standard eight hours of rest, the estimated percentage of daily time spent online is 40%. What does this data say? Basically, almost half of one's day is spent online...

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How resolution is measured and what DPI and PPI are

Surely it happens very often to talk about image resolution , low or high resolution, and maybe even to quantify with numbers, associated with the abbreviations DPI or PPI. But perhaps you have rarely, if ever, wondered which of these units of measurement is correct or what they mean. In reality it ...

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Some tips for lawyers who want to promote themselves on social media

In the last fifteen years, social networks have changed our lives and also the way we work. The data speak for themselves: about 5.3 billion people in the world use a mobile device, and 4.62, or almost 60% of the world's population is registered with at least one social network. ...

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5 important things to know if you're taking pictures at the beach and in the surf

I love taking landscape photos at the beach. It is an ever-changing landscape dominated by the sea and its waves. You may think that taking photos in such a place is easy, but you need to know a few things before going there. Especially for your safety. I have decided not to write about settings and...

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The Secrets of Story Structure: The Hook

Readers are like fish. Smart fish. Fish that they know the perpetrators are out there to get them, drag them in, and catch them for the rest of their lives at sea. But, like any self-respecting fish, readers are not caught easily. They aren't going to give in to the lure of your story unless you've ...

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Customer Journey, what it is and how it has changed

The Customer Journey is literally the path that the Consumer takes to get to the purchase. Anyone who wants to effectively offer products on the market should take into account or at least know what the Customer Journey is. It is the core of Inbound Marketing because it identifies when and how the c...

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Why should authors care about story structure?

What is the most overlooked, misunderstood and yet most important part of the narrative? If you cheated and looked at the title, you already know that the answer is structure . Most writers have two different reactions to the idea of story structure. Either he thinks it's something grand, but too my...

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Expression trumps all in portrait photography

Thinking back to my first portraits often makes me cringe. I'm not even afraid to admit it now. My goal has always been to be a good portrait photographer, but I was incredibly shy and didn't know how to interact with the people in front of my lens. I have always been somewhat dissatisfied with my r...

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Spot colors what they are for and what they are

You have certainly already seen at least once those color swatches with all the colours , i.e. the well-classified spot colours, but if you mostly deal with the digital environment , perhaps you never thought they could be a working tool even for those who do graphic design. On the contrary , spot c...

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I was lucky enough to cross paths with Insight Agency in my professional career, thus getting to know Umberto, an excellent professional. Today my professional relationship and friendship, establi...
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Raffaele Cozzolino
Resp. Tecnico / Leucopetra spa
I have worked with Insight Agency for more than ten years in my previous role (Trade Marketing Manager of a well-known red mobile phone brand) and have always appreciated their honesty, speed and c...
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Giampaolo Moscardi
Titolare / Kar di Giampaolo Moscardi
I met Insight Agency way back in 2006 and since then we have come a long way thanks to their professionalism, creativity, ingenuity and above all availability. The thing that most impressed me abo...
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Tommaso Marrone
CEO / CSF Centro Servizi e Formazione srl


Insight Adv Ltd is a full-service advertising agency. We offer our customers Graphic and Web Design, Marketing and Strategic Communication services.

We create websites, e-commerce and fad platforms, commercials and promotional videos and applications for smartphones and tablets. We also offer digital & direct marketing, social media and content management services. 


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