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Applying the Stanislavski method to copywriting

Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky is the father of modern theatre. His technique contrasts with the estrangement of Bertolt Brecht , who requires the actor to detach himself from his own works , bringing the art outside and beyond himself . Stanislavskij instead requires that the actor enter the wo...

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Get your e-commerce off the ground in 10 steps

Since I founded the Insight Agency in 2006, I have met many entrepreneurs who have asked me to design and create an e-commerce. Up until ten years ago, having an ecommerce was a possibility, an option, five years ago it was already an opportunity, but after the advent of the pandemic and the Covid-1...

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Some practical advice for photographing lightning.

Photographing lightning is certainly an activity that can give a lot of satisfaction and can allow us to take home a shot that is envied by many. However, photographing lightning can also be VERY dangerous. Lightning strikes unpredictably and it is NOT true that lightning never strikes in the same p...

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How do you prevent online identity theft?

Despite efforts to defend our data, there is still a lot of digital identity theft. In fact, if in real life it is infrequent but possible for this to happen, in the world of the web it is a much more widespread thing. Just stop and think about how many times you've simply heard of someone who had t...

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Everything you need to know about printing paper

Recognizing the types of paper for printing can be extremely important for anyone who works in the typographic and graphic field in general. In fact, a good knowledge of paper allows you to make more informed design choices , which will be able to avoid many problems and inconveniences that could ar...

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Recover unsaved files to Office and customize recent files

Have you always wondered if you can customize recent Office files and recover unsaved Word, Excel and Powerpoint files? Of course yes. In the versions of Office, starting from 2010 up to the most recent ones, particularly interesting features have been added that allow users to recover even files th...

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How to include storytelling in your communication strategy.

Storytelling is the art of telling stories. We could say that it has a lot to do with creative writing, the narrative techniques on which the novels and films in which we get lost at the end of the day are based and which have a common root within the Hero's Journey theorized by Joseph Campbell. Whe...

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How to integrate Social Listening into your digital strategy

How is a brand perceived by people on social media? This is a question that sooner or later every company gets to ask itself. The first way to go is always to address people and there are different methods to analyze brand perception. However, there are specific dynamics on social media, and sometim...

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RGB and CMYK what they are and how to use them

The difference between RGB and CMYK is a topic with which you think that you are familiar with, but which in practice impacts your business on a day-to-day basis. An impact that ranges from having to become familiar with it to work smoothly to all those problems that inconsiderate management can cre...

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How to remove rootkits from your computer

Rootkits are a serious threat, a particular form of malware that is often difficult to detect within a computer system and even more difficult to eliminate. Once inside the system, they provide a great deal of power to the hackers who run them, such as permission to access them at will, without the ...

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What are the right questions? Who should we ask?

Doing them is good and right. But what are the right questions? Who should we do it to? And above all, how should we position them? Three questions [and more] to answer the question mechanism. Knowledge - the deep one - feeds on doubt to find form . The question, more than Socratic, is logical: we c...

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How to create Buyer Personas with Facebook Insights

We have often talked about the importance of defining your Buyer Persona ( here , again here and here ), to define and choose the customers you want to relate to. A key element for increasing the business of your company or business and an indispensable figure for an effective Inbound Marketing stra...

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Some tips for taking scary photos on Halloween

Halloween is one of the best occasions to take scary photos of yourself, your children or pets. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to Halloween photography. In fact, taking a Halloween photo can be a difficult task due to the often prohibitive shooting conditions. For this...

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How to use your smartphone as a WiFi repeater

Many of the requests often made to me by clients may seem strange, but they don't just concern advertising or marketing, but also information technology, the use of Office and the search for solutions to management problems. For this reason, with this post, I have decided to inaugurate a new series ...

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How to choose the right font for a project?

How many times have you found yourself having to decide which font to use ? How many times have you started looking for the best font for your project by scrolling through the font menu for hours, rummaging through hundreds of fonts you've downloaded or purchased? Want to know how to choose a perfec...

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The 10 golden rules for communicating in the right way.

Brands that make media slips, companies that get lost in a teacup in the comments, public figures who shoot at random in live broadcasts. What do all these cases have in common? They have the wrong way of communicating. Repeat iuvant... Everything is communicating, everything is communication. Commu...

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When and why prefer black and white?

Black and white adds a timeless, artistic appeal to an image. We see and live in a world of colors. This is how we evolved, and this is what we know. Naturally, people are drawn to color photography like children to candy, drawn to images full of vitality. Our affinity for color can also manifest it...

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15 tips for photographing domestic life

Documenting home life and capturing family moments is what inspired many of us to pick up a camera. But when we picked up a camera, we discovered how challenging it is to capture those moments. Below you'll find some tips that, in the end, are what I've used over the years to capture my images, my m...

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How to create a creative placemat for food

Once upon a time, the placemat was a collection of local business logos: smelly paper and creepy graphics, not least because most of these logos were maddeningly ugly. This is one of the most underrated articles ever. Over time it has undergone many changes above all thanks to the large chains which...

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How to write an effective sales page

No one should be afraid to sell the fruit of their work. It's no shame to want someone to buy from us, just as it's no shame to write to sell. Writing a sales page is not easy because it requires clarity with respect to one's business, method in writing and honesty with respect to what we propose, b...

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I had the opportunity to get to know Insight Agency when he started working with one of our clients, so I was able to appreciate not only their professional and creative approach, but above all the...
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Mario Gentile
CEO & Founder / Punto Ike
I had the pleasure of collaborating with Umberto, an exquisite person, always available, competent and quick to find solutions to problems, whether large or small; maximum satisfaction!
Stefano Beltrame
Staff / Nebula Sigarette Digitali
We started our collaboration with the InsightAgency, entrusting them with a strengthening of our Corporate Identity. They advised us on the creation of a new Brand and Logo and supported us in buil...
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Massimiliano Leone
CEO & Founder / Esigitaly srl


Insight Adv Ltd is a full-service advertising agency. We offer our customers Graphic and Web Design, Marketing and Strategic Communication services.

We create websites, e-commerce and fad platforms, commercials and promotional videos and applications for smartphones and tablets. We also offer digital & direct marketing, social media and content management services. 


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